"if you start following this routine at 30, and you will look 40 when you are 50!" - Medik8
Medik8 skincare philosophy is very simple to remember:
‘vitamin C plus Sunscreen by day, and vitamin A by night’
and if you start following this routine at 30, and you will look 40 when you are 50.
Simple and clear.
To begin with just try following this every day:
Your basic morning routine is
Double cleanse, Tone
Vitamin C (serum, cream)
Daily moisturiser
SPF 30/50
Your basic night regime is
Double cleanse, Tone
Vitamin A (serum, cream)
Night cream
Please have a look at my posts in BEAUTY INGREDIENTS to learn more about Vitamin C, Vitamin A and SPF, as key parts of daily skin care.
Happy to recommend you suitable homecare products for your skin.